Corfu By U

Take Control Of Your Holiday

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Hot Summer Weather

As we enter the middle of summer here on Corfu, you can always expect a mini heat wave and that has been the case for the last 10 days or so. While the temps haven’t been in to the 40Deg mark, consistent 35deg temperatures - mixed with little or no wind has been creating some hot days. Anyone living along the coast will have missed the hottest parts of this heat wave as there is always an ocean breeze to cool off in but for those living inland or in Corfu Town, I’m sure the air con has been on full blast for a while now.

From the forcast on, more heat is on the way and while July does tend to be the hottest month on Corfu, I have a feeling Aug will be no snow storm!! Yet, the best part of all this is - That’s what tourists want! The beach and pool areas are always more busy and swimming in hot weather is always more enjoyable. So pack your bags, grab your tickets and come on over to Corfu for a fortnight!!!!

Hot Greek Summer!!

Three weeks into the holiday season and the summer sun is starting to really heat up. Here on Corfu, the last 5 days have been really hot, well above average for this time of year. Obviously, for the people visiting the Island, this is perfect - especially for swimming, snorkeling, scuba and all types of water sports like: ringos, paragliding, flying fish and banana rides. The crisp emerald water is a perfect temp, just cool enough to wake you up!

The streets here in Sidari are starting to come alive with families and visitors from all over and hopefully the season will turn out to be fun and busy. We’ve been hearing stories from other resorts on Corfu and the news seems to be the same: “Not very busy.” The bright news so far is the Pounds rise since last year. Hope everyone has a great summer!!!

Volcanic Ash Returns

Right on the heels of the economic troubles Europe is facing, the volcano in Iceland has decided to make things even harder, especially for the already stressed holiday resorts of southern Europe.

“Civil aviation officials on Sunday said a drifting, dense cloud of volcanic ash is "rapidly encroaching" on British airspace, forcing the closure of airports in Northern Ireland.

The National Air Traffic Service said a no-fly zone has been imposed over parts of Northern Ireland, and no flights are going in or out of airports in Belfast or the Isle of Man.” -AP News -
Whole Article

A quick look at wikipedia revealed some troubling information concerning Eyjafjallajokull’s eruption history. The last major eruption the Volcano had, which was less than 100 years ago, lasted 2 years. If this cycle stays with our current situation, the aviation industry will have some heavy losses for some time to come.

Greece Passes Austerity Measure

Late on Thursday, Greece’s parliament voted and passed harsh austerity measures to combat defaulting on their debt. While riots and demonstrations ( hundreds of thousands) raged outside parliament on Thursday night, both of Greece’s main parties argued for hours over what should be executed to help Greece.

The 172-121 win was a joyless affair, however, for Prime Minister George Papandreou and his Socialist Party. The three-year austerity package, which the European Union and the International Monetary Fund required in return for a 110-billion-euro ($145 billion) bailout, will impose painful and far-reaching changes on Greece.” -USA Today - Linked Artilce

Without getting into political options, the overall effect of these austerity measures is that the greek working class will once again carry the burden of political/Corporate theft. Just like the Americans did, 9 months ago, having to bail out AIG and most of the US financial institutions, Greek citizens will shoulder the Euro/IMF rescue plan. What overall effect this will have on the actual debt problem is unknown but life for the lower/middle class is just about to get very hard for the prolonged future.

Pound Sterling Vs. The Euro

While Southern Europe, especially Greece, prepare to tighten their belts and agree to harsh austerity measures, it’s the Pound Sterling that will see the most out of the bad economic situations facing the South.

“Sterling rose to a near 9-month high against the euro on Wednesday as deepening concerns that euro zone debt problems will spread beyond Greece battered the single currency.” - Reuters - Link to article

The saving grace for tourist areas of Greece may be the strengthening Pound Sterling because the new austerity measures passed on Thursday in Athens, will strangle the working class greeks. As I write this article, one pound sterling is about 1.169 €, which is better than what it was all last year. In a weird turn of events, Greece bringing down the Euro, might be the only thing that ends up saving Greece in the end.

Let The Summer Begin!!!

Summer has officially started here on Corfu and from the looks of it, so far so good. The weather is great, the sea is crisp and the food is amazing. From the looks of it and from the number of people that have arrived so far, Summer 2010 looks to be better than Summer 2009! Thank GodHappy

Obviously, Corfubyu is here to help you with anything you might like on your holiday this summer. From
airport transfer, to taxi hire - let our wheels get you going! Looking for accommodation or a great place to eat while on Corfu or in Sidari - we got tons of places!

We also have local
car hire companies and scooter and quad hire here in Sidari, so don’t be shy and shoot us over an email for some more info. Now, go out there and have a great holiday.

Going On Holiday - Want WIFI?

Many resort towns around Corfu and Greece in general, have installed free wifi for all to use during the summer season.
In the resort town of Sidari, the antenna has already been installed and with fingers crossed, we'll have signal by the start of the summer season.

For those living in Sidari or those that have been here before, the antenna has been placed on the roof of the mayor’s building, right next to the town church. From the rumors I’ve heard, the signal should be good for about 200m in each direction but those are just rumors.

In terms of limitations and security, I’ve heard nothing but one wonders how significant the bandwidth will be during the peak season? Especially, if people are going to use the connection for downloading media, which places a huge strain on the network - we shall see.

Volcanic Ash Could Reach Greece

The cloud of ashes after the eruption of the Eyjafjallajoekull volcano in Iceland may reach Greece on Tuesday, Greek Antena TV reports. The national meteorological service prognosticates Northwest wind in Central Europe, Italy and the Balkans, including Greece, which may bring the volcanic ashes on the territory of the country.

As of April 22, the winds in the central part of the Mediterranean Sea and in the Balkans will change their direction to West-Southwest and even if the ashes reach Greece, they will be pushed away from this area again.

Spring Is In the Air On Corfu

Spring is in full bloom here on Corfu, meaning summer is just around the corner. The air is warming but still crisp in the morning and early evening. The sun is climbing higher and higher into the sky and businesses start opening up from their winter hibernation.

Have you planned your summer trip yet? There are some amazing deals out there, especially for
flights to Corfu, so get booking! Our bookings have really started coming in, especially for May. If you’re coming to Corfu this summer or know someone who is and you need accommodation, we’d be more than happy to help.

Also, our friends over at North Corfu Taxi ( have great prices for airport transfers. Go and have a look, I’m sure you’ll find something you’ll like.

Villa Kamelia - Kassiopi

Another week goes by and we add another villa to our collection. Villa Kamelia is.....what can I say.....amazing. Located in the sleepy, seaside town of kassiopi, it is surrounded by olive groves and even has a small cove just bellow its location. After walking around this mini palace, we decided that it had to go on the site and made available to all our visitors. Have a look for yourself....

If you’re interested in pricing and availability, just email us and we’ll provide you with all the information we can on Villa Kamelia. You can also see more photos and details by clicking here - Hope you enjoy.


Romanza Villa - San Stefanos

Just this week, we have added a stunning Villa to our possible accommodations for summer 2010 and it is amazing in every aspect. Over-looking the bay of San Stefanos (Agios Stefanos) and will all the luxury services you might expect: heated swimming pool, steam room, master bath, lounge and the list goes on and on. Go and have a look for yourself, you’ll love it...

Villas on Corfu are becoming inexpensive alternatives to package holidays, especially if can book with another couple or with some friends. With the same amount of money, you can live in a gorgeous villa and live like kings for a week or two, who doesn’t want that. If you’d like info regarding Villas on Corfu or accommodations, please contact by clicking here...


North Corfu Taxi - New Baby!

Our close friends over at North Corfu Taxi have just added a new car to their fleet. here is what they wrote on their blog:

“To start the new summer holiday season, we have added a new baby to our fleet. No, not an actual baby but a new Mercedes E-Class 250 CDI taxi!! Our order has gone through and we should be delivered in the 2nd week of May, giving us enough time to brake it in before the Summer 2010 madness. What does this mean for you? Well, this means that not only will you be arriving in paradise but you’ll also be transported to your resort in style.

We strongly believe in providing the best service available and part of providing that form of excellence is updating our fleet of cars. Not only does this provide safety and reliability for our customers but it also means we can keep providing the best service possible. Summer 2010 looks like it’s shaping up to be one kool summer.”

So if you’re looking for an airport taxi transfer this holiday season to anywhere on Corfu, either e-mail us and book or book directly with North Corfu Taxi. Start your holiday right and get to your holiday resort in style with for summer 2010.


Summer 2010 Countdown!!

It’s that time again!! The countdown to Summer begins and we think 2010 will be a stunning holiday season. has put together some fantastic Flights - Apartments - Airport Transfer and Beaches to make your holiday, from start to finish, amazing. As we thaw out of winter, let’s at least start thinking about the summer Sun and the golden sandy beaches of Corfu. Whether you want to go to Sidari, Roda, Acharavi, Kassiopi, San Stefanos or Agios Georgios - we can help you plan your holiday right.


November Newsletter

As you can see the site is coming along and we have many services up and running. We have put together our first Newsletter for Corfubyu, which we hope to have both as a flash based Newsletter and as a html email version. If you would like to join our mailing list and get the html version sent to you every month, just sign up on our home page or email us and just let us know you’d like to be on our mailing list.

November’s will be the first newsletter and from now on, we will be sending out a monthly version. Our desire is to make it a weekly trend but for now it will remain a monthly periodical. As for info, the newsletter contains detailed information about resort towns around Corfu, local businesses, services, recipes, pictures, editorials and of course we will be adding tons of new content once the Summer starts. We would also like to add stories from the people that have come to Corfu for holiday - Good and Bad. It is a work in progress but from the start - it looks awesome!! The November issue can be found here and please send us an email to sign up - we’ll have it in your inbox every month.

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